Daily Announcements
Week of January 13th 2024
5:30 pm FAFSA Workshop (Commons)
5:30 JH Volleyball @ South Fulton
6:00 pm JH Wrestling vs. Camp Point
6:00 pm V Boys Basketball @ Rushville
9:00 am V Girls Basketball @ Camp Point
9:00 am V Wrestling @ Canton HS (Girls Tournament)
10:00am JH Volleyball @ Cuba (North Fulton)
10:00 am V Wrestling vs. Illini Bluffs, ISVI, Midwest Central & Payson
Seniors are reminded that BHS will be hosting a FAFSA workshop tomorrow at 5:30 in the BHS Commons. See Mrs. Eckert or Mr. Wildman with any questions, students will need to bring their Chromebooks.
Attention High School Students - We wanted to remind you about the attendance requirements to attend Prom this coming spring. Students who have 3 or more unexcused absences (marked UA/ED in Lumen) or 15 or more total tardies for second semester will not be allowed to go to Prom. In addition, any student who has 3 or more out of school suspensions for the school year, will not be allowed to go to prom. Please be diligent about checking your attendance and getting to classes on time.
Wednesday- softball meeting for any high school girl interested in playing this season during advisory in auditorium. If you cannot attend, make sure to see Coach Dodson before the meeting
Friday- 1/13 Key Club Meeting for all members in the Auditorium
Wednesday- Irish nachos with fries, side salad, fruit cup & milk
Breakfast tomorrow: Breakfast pizza bagel & yogurt cup or cereal bowl & cheese stick with juice box, fruit cup & milk
Thursday: Ham & cheese sliders with cooked carrots, black bean salsa & nacho chips, fruit cup & milk
Breakfast tomorrow: Fruit & yogurt smoothie & cinnamon grahams or bagel & cream cheese with juice box, fruit cup & milk
Friday: Regular or spicy chicken patty with green beans, fresh grape tomatoes, fruit cup & milk